Head and Brain Injury Research Update. Athletes Donating Brains. | (Podcast)

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Head and Brain injuries as you know is a common topic on this web site. Very serious and very RIGHT now. We see it week after week in the NFL and is is becoming more prevalent and damaging in all sports and in the military.  We continue our coverage on recent developments in the research and progress being made in this near and dear area.  Today we podcast about a recent ESPN.com article noting that more “Athletes are donating brains for injury study.”

READ – Athletes donating brains for injury study

RELATED Brain Injury Posts and Podcasts from CraigWolfley.com

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11:00am to 1:00pm

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Podcast: (9 Minutes)
– Host Craig Wolfley w/producer sidekick’s Frank Murgia and Andrew “Hersch” Venezie

Talking Points:
– 800-1500 over 20g-force hits to the head in any given year. Wow!
– More Athletes willing to donate brains