On the NFL labor negotiations front, it’s being reported that current NFL Alumni president and former Giants DE George Martin, a 14-year player and 10-year NFLPA rep, can’t get a meeting with NFLPA prez De Smith. Did i get that right? Can’t get a meeting?
C’mon, are you serious?
In a day and age where everybody meets somewhere for something finding time for a guy who’s been there, done that like George should be a slam dunk.
Look, i remember bumping grilles with George Martin back in the day. Had a pretty good swim move as i recall. As a player, George always tried to get to where he needed to be with a lot of vigor. His 14-years in the league is a testament to the fact that he got to his spot more often than not.
So, as a guy representing a lot of former players concerns, you’re telling me George can’t get to a sit-down facial with DeMaurice? I find that very disturbing.
Yes i understand that the NFL gave a million dollar interest free loan to kick start the organization. I get the fact that De Smith views the NFL Alumni organization as possibly being divisive in its dealings with former players in all this rig-a-marole CBA stuff. I won’t say DeMaurice has no legitimate concern about that. Still, you can take the meeting De.
I supported Gene Upshaw throughout my career. But when Gene made that infamous statement about representing only current players i found that to be divisive and a little bothersome. Still, i was always ready to listen to what Gene had to say.
Okay, given all that’s been said, what’s the worst thing that could happen from a meeting of the minds between George and De?
“Gee George, thanks for the thoughts. Have another donut…”
There’s ALWAYS time for a donut. There’s a lot of us older dudes out here who munched on a few donuts and put their careers on the line when strikes were called in the 80’s. And let’s not forget the 70’s fellas. Or the 60’s, 50’s or 40’s….
By not finding some time for George it gives the NFLPA the appearance of being the NFLAPOA. The National Football League Active Player’s Only Association.
I find that unacceptable. Here’s hoping Big George can get to his spot one more time.