Craig Wolfley is back in the Wolf’s Den Studio at the Pittsburgh Podcast Network, fighting a summer cold the day after the Steelers’ preseason loss to the Detroit Lions. Wolf gives his perspective on players’ development, and what to expect going forward based on what he saw in Latrobe and at Heinz Field last night. Craig then answers a few questions from the Social Media Mailbag and also covers a few things that may only interest him…
The Craig Wolfley Podcast is proudly sponsored by J & D Waterproofing. Call them at 1-800-VERY-DRY or
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TWITTER FOLLOWS: @CraigWolfley, @TunchandWolf, @Steelers, @SteelersNRadio, @LightOfLife, @talentnetworktv, @PghPodcast, @JDWaterproofing
• David Sedelmeier
Produced by Pittsburgh Podcast Network for talent network, inc.