We’re about one month away from the 20th anniversary of the passing of my all-time favorite guitar hero, Stevie Ray Vaughn. Back in 1983 I happened to catch some tunes from his debut album with his band Double Trouble. Raised on Rock n Roll, Blues was a new form of music to me.
Texas flood was released on June 13th 1983, and I was captivated. I had never heard guitar playing like that my entire life. Mixing influences from the likes of Jimi Hendrix, Buddy Guy and Albert King, Stevie could mesmerize with his smoking solos and bust down the walls riffing.
Some years later I had the opportunity to meet up with Stevie and his bandmates Reese Wynans, Chris “Ripper” Layton and Tommy Shannon on a couple of occasions. They left an indelible impression on me that lasts to this day. While teaching at my gym just yesterday one of Stevie’s songs came on over the radio. The man still makes me stop and listen. A huge loss to the music world. Just ask Kenny Wayne Shepherd.