Ziggy Hood has struggled a little of late with an ankle issue. His production has been down from, i’m sure what he expected from himself. Part of the pro game is learning how to play even when your nicked up a little, and be just as productive as when your 100%. As with everything when you get to the NFL, it’s a learning experience. When you make the team, when you finally move into the starting line-up. It’s just another part of the learning curve I’m sure Ziggy will handle well.
Back in 1981 I had just broken my thumb on the last play of the last practice of the week (a Friday, in full pads and full go) before the playoff game with the San Diego Chargers at Three Rivers Stadium. In my first year as a starter, with less than 48 hours to go before a lock n load date with the Chargers All-World DT Gary “Big Hands” Johnson, i sat in front of my locker in the Three Rivers locker room and looked dejectedly about.
The thumb was throbbing, swollen and useless. It was my left, dominant hand and would be a real encumbrance, especially against the likes of a Johnson, so i was a little funked out. Johnson, an excellent pass rusher, was outstanding at the outside club and swim to the side of my damaged hand. Nightmares of not being able to punch that swim move were already percolating in my gourd.
A booming laugh came from the locker area off to my left. It was L.C. Greenwood, who laughed and said;
“Now we’ll see what you’re made of. Anybody can play this game healthy.”